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All music by Parts

Full AIFF files of the individual tracks that make up a song. No reverb or compression added. CC Sampling Plus license.

    (Click any album name to show that album alone.)

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Alhambra Rhythm Guitars
Hard-panned stereo AIFF of the two rhythm guitars for AlhambraJackson
La Semana Parts
Alhambra Bass
Jon's bass part for AlhambraJackson
La Semana Parts
Cocteau Guitars
Stereo mix of the three ryhthm guitars for Cocteau
La Semana Parts
Evening Rhythm Guitars
Stereo mix of the two rhythm guitars for Evening (Languid Pace) - 86bpm
La Semana Parts
stereo mix of two rhythm guitars, hard-panned, Em7-A7
Leda Parts