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Known interactions between aspirin and Viagra

As per the information from, there are no known interactions between aspirin and Viagra. However, it is important to consider the potential risks and side effects of taking these two medications together.

Gastrointestinal side effects of taking aspirin and Viagra together

Combining aspirin and Viagra can lead to a higher risk of gastrointestinal side effects like nausea and vomiting.

This is due to the combined effects of these medications on the gastrointestinal system.

Bleeding risks associated with aspirin and Viagra combination

Aspirin is a blood thinner and can cause bleeding problems when combined with Viagra, which also has a slight platelet antiaggregatory activity. The effect of aspirin and Viagra on your platelets can add up and cause bleeding problems. Therefore, caution should be exercised when taking these medications together, and it is essential to talk to a healthcare provider before doing so.

Platelet antiaggregatory activity of aspirin and Viagra

Can aspirin be taken with Viagra?Both aspirin and Viagra have antiplatelet effects, which means they can inhibit the ability of platelets to clump together and form blood clots. This can be beneficial in certain medical conditions but can also lead to an increased risk of bleeding when the medications are taken together.

Clinical trial findings on sildenafil and aspirin

A clinical trial combining sildenafil (the active ingredient in Viagra) with aspirin showed no pharmacokinetic interaction between the two medications and no additional effect of sildenafil on platelet aggregation. However, this does not necessarily mean that there are no risks associated with taking aspirin and Viagra together.

Importance of consulting a healthcare provider

It is always important to consult with a healthcare provider before taking any medications together, including over-the-counter drugs like aspirin. This ensures that you receive personalized advice tailored to your specific health needs and medical history.

Considerations for over-the-counter drugs with aspirin and Viagra

When considering taking over-the-counter drugs, such as aspirin, with prescription medications like Viagra, it is crucial to be aware of potential interactions and side effects. Always read the patient information leaflet accompanying your medication and discuss your concerns with a healthcare provider.


In conclusion, while there are no known interactions between aspirin and Viagra, taking them together can increase the risk of gastrointestinal side effects and bleeding problems. It is essential to talk to a healthcare provider before taking these medications together to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for your specific situation.